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Public Meetings Calendar Search Results

09:00 AM North Carolina State Board of Education     NC State Board of Education Meeting (Virtual Meeting)
09:00 AM State Human Resources Commission     SHRC - 3rd Quarter Meeting
09:00 AM Environmental Management Commission (EMC)     Environmental Management Commission - FULL EMC
09:00 AM Southeastern Community College     Board Retreat Meeting
10:00 AM Governor's Crime Commission     Criminal Justice Improvement Committee Meeting
10:00 AM Natural Infrastructure Flood Mitigation Program     Advisory Board Meeting
10:00 AM North Carolina 911 Board     Standards Committee Meeting
10:00 AM North Carolina Respiratory Care Board (NCRCB)     Board Meeting
10:30 AM The North Carolina Arboretum     The North Carolina Arboretum Board of Directors
11:00 AM The Energy Policy Council     Energy Innovation Committee
11:00 AM Supplemental Retirement Board of Trustees Meeting     Audit Subcommittee Board Meeting
01:00 PM NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council     SGUC Summer Quarterly Meeting
03:30 PM NC Administrative Office of the Courts     Special Meeting of Rules of Recordkeeping Committee

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