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Official website of the State of North Carolina


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What We Do

Publishes Document

The Publications Division produces several very useful and interesting reference books. The Directory of State and County Officials, updated annually, provides a comprehensive listing of North Carolina state government agencies and their managers, as well as branches of each county government in the state. The North Carolina Manual offers an encyclopedia of knowledge about our state, its history, state symbols, government, educational system, political leaders and parties. The division publishes updated editions of the North Carolina Constitution, as well as forms, brochures and manuals that support the business operations of other divisions within the department.

Preserves Historic Documents

The Publications Division acts as custodian for a number of historic North Carolina documents. The North Carolina Constitution of 1868 has served as the basis of our state government for nearly 130 years. The Publications Division has the original hand-written version in its archives. The division also guards the North Carolina Book of Oaths, a register of oaths of office signed by governors and other Council of State officers since 1889. The Publications Division also houses N.C. House and Senate Journals -- some dating back to the 1820s -- and N.C. Session Laws dating back to the late 1800s, as well as an original copy of the Constitution Convention Journal of 1868. See our Archive of Historic Documents for samples of material drawn from these important historical documents. The Publications Division serves as custodian of certified elections records for North Carolina and these records are available for public inspection.

Provides Information on State Government

The Publications Division helps thousands of North Carolina citizens, businesses and school children find specific information about state government. Our available resources include an organizational chart of state government and several pages of links to North Carolina state government, education and state information websites. If you can't find the information you need on some aspect of our state's government, let us know. We would like to help you. Try our North Carolina State Facts and our North Carolina Educational Links pages for more information about our state and its government.

Contact Publications

Mailing Address
North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State
Publications Division
Post Office Box 29622
Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0622