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Official website of the State of North Carolina

Non-Profit Corporation

Legal name:  The Glade at West End Condominium Owners Association, Inc

Secretary of State Identification Number (SOSID):  1299228
Status:  Current-Active
Citizenship:  Domestic
Date formed:  1/29/2013
Registered agent:   William G. Benton

mailing address
C/o West-end Renaissance Residence Development, LLC 1105 Brookstown Avenue
Winston-salem, NC 27101
Principal office address
C/o West-end Renaissance Residence Development, LLC 1105 Brookstown Avenue
Winston-salem, NC 27101
Registered office address
C/o West-end Renaissance Residence Development, LLC 1105 Brookstown Avenue
Winston-salem, NC 27101
Registered mailing address
C/o West-end Renaissance Residence Development, LLC 1105 Brookstown Avenue
Winston-salem, NC 27101