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Official website of the State of North Carolina

About the Data

Trademarks Master Files

Trademark Master Files consist of public data electronically stored and filed with the Department’s Trademark Registration Section pursuant to Article 1 of Chapter 80 of the N.C. General Statutes.

Charitable Solicitation Licensing Files

Charitable Solicitation Licensing Files consist of public data electronically stored and filed with the Department’s Charitable Solicitation Licensing Division pursuant to Chapter 131F of the N.C. General Statutes. The Charitable Solicitation Licensing Master File does not include electronic or other images.

Uniform Commercial Code Data

The Uniform Commercial Code data contains filings, amendments, a list of debtor(s) and secured parties. There will be a minimum of one debtor and one secured party. The debtor and secured party information includes the debtor names and address information.

Tax Lien Data

Tax lien information includes the assessments amounts and release information.

Uniform Commercial Code/Tax Lien Images

Uniform Commercial Code & Tax Lien filing images are available for a separate subscription fee.

Notary Public Data

Notary public data is presented in two files. One file containing all Notary Public Commissions and the other listing new Notary Publics Commissions.

Business Registration Data

Business Registration data contains information regarding business entities registered with the North Carolina Secretary of State. Included in the data set are: Name, Home State Name, Contact and Address information, whether the business entity is Foreign or Domestic, officers/partners/directors or company officials of the business entity, status of registration, a list of filings and any stock information on file.

Name Reservations on file are also a part of the data set.

All data is updated weekly. The FTP server contains a data dictionary detailing the table structures. The data format is CSV (comma separated values).