Entered date 11/2/2023 6:57 PM
Secretary of state id 2308807
Filing type Amendment Filing
Filing county Iredell
Add TEAM DGR, LLC 1657486
Entered date 11/2/2023 6:57 PM
Secretary of state id 2308807
Filing type Amendment Filing
Filing county Iredell
Add TEAM DGR, LLC 1657486
Entered date 11/17/2022 8:11 AM
Secretary of state id 2308807
Filing type Amendment Filing
Filing county Iredell
Add TEAM DGR, LLC 1657486
Entered date 11/17/2022 8:11 AM
Secretary of state id 2308807
Filing type Amendment Filing
Filing county Iredell
Add TEAM DGR, LLC 1657486
Entered date 11/19/2021 12:47 PM
Secretary of state id 2308807
Filing type Initial Filing
Filing county Iredell
Engaged Counties
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Add TEAM DGR, LLC 1657486