About Us
This page provides the Securities Division’s mission, overview, and more information.
The North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State Securities Division's mission is to protect North Carolina investors. Consistent with that purpose, the Division seeks to ensure a free and competitive securities market for North Carolina, increase investor confidence, and thereby encourage the formation of capital and the creation of new jobs and economic prosperity in North Carolina.
Division Overview
The Securities Division is responsible for administering and enforcing the state’s securities laws. These laws provide for the registration of securities, registration of firms and individuals who sell securities or render investment advice, examination of registered firms, and enforcement through administrative, civil, and criminal actions. Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall is the Securities Administrator. Sherrell L. Forbes is the Deputy Securities Administrator as well as Director of the Securities Division.
The Division maintains a professional staff of attorneys, financial investigators, and administrative support to address the variety of issues presented in registration, examination, and enforcement matters. Organized into several Teams, including Enforcement, Registration, IA Audits and Compliance, and Investor Protection and Education Services, the Division works to make prompt and accurate recommendations and decisions concerning securities offerings and plans of business for dealing in securities and rendering investment advice.