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Official website of the State of North Carolina

Public Meetings Calendar

Business Registration

We suggest you think about it like an invitation. What do you need to know to decide if you’re going to accept an invitation? That’s the kind of information you may want to include in your public meeting notices. To help you, we’ve provided a table showing the parallels between an invitation and a public meeting notice. If you use our electronic calendar and e-file, it works like an e-form. There are mandatory items you have to fill in, marked with an asterisk. There’s also space for optional information.

Note: There’s an optional information space for contact information if someone has questions about the meeting. If you don’t put anything in that blank, it will enter your contact information as a default. That’s because people need to know who to call or email if they have questions about a meeting.

For more information, you may find the Attorney General’s FAQs and Guide to Open Government helpful. Visit the Attorney General’s website for more information.

Question 7. Can we file notices of special meetings with you?

Yes. We’ll accept any meeting notices you want to file with us including:

  • Special or called meeting notices
  • Public hearing notice

How do we file?

Question 8. What are the advantages of e-filing our Calendar notices of meetings?

  • You control not only what gets posted on line but when it gets posted.
  • You’ll be able to add or edit meetings on line at any time of day or night (which may help with meeting deadlines).
  • Your meeting notices will be quickly posted online.
  • Your meeting notices will be searchable by clicking on a calendar, by entering dates, locations or your agency’s name.
  • You can send a link to the calendar and meeting notice out to people interested in your meetings.
  • You provide better customer service to citizens and interested parties.

Question 9. Do we have to use your e-filing system and file online?

Yes, the old way of posting meetings is no longer available.

Question 10. I want to e-file our meeting notices. How do I do that?

Step 1. Check to see if your agency already has been set up in our system. If not, follow the steps to “request a new entity”.

Step 2. Request an account for yourself (if you don’t already have one).

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