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Official website of the State of North Carolina



A “Contribution”

  • means a promise, pledge, grant of any money or property, financial assistance, or any other thing of value in response to a solicitation. This includes in-kind contributions of goods or services.
  • "Contribution" includes, in the case of a charitable organization or sponsor offering a good or service to the public, the excess of the price at which the charitable organization or sponsor or any person acting on behalf of the charitable organization or sponsor sells the good or service to the public over the fair market value of the good or service.
  • "Contribution" does not include bona fide fees, dues, or assessments paid by members if the membership is not conferred solely as consideration for making a contribution in response to a solicitation.
  • "Contribution" does not include grants or awards applied for by a charitable or sponsor organization that are received from a government entity or an organization exempt from federal income taxation per §501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and described in §501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Charities and Sponsors


  • If applicant received less than $50,000.00
  • DID NOT compensate (in any capacity) any officer, trustee, organizer, incorporator, fundraiser or solicitor in the immediate preceding fiscal year

License Required but No Fee

  • If applicant received less than $5,000.00
  • DID compensate (in any capacity) any officer, trustee, organizer, or incorporator, fundraiser or solicitor in the immediate preceding fiscal year


  • If applicant received $5,000.00 but less than $50,000.00
  • DID compensate (in any capacity) any officer, trustee, organizer, incorporator fundraiser or solicitor, in the immediate preceding fiscal year


  • If applicant received $50,000.00 but less than $100,000
  • The immediate preceding fiscal year


  • If applicant received $100,000, but less than $200,000
  • The immediate preceding fiscal year


  • If applicant received $200,000 or more
  • The immediate preceding fiscal year