Filing International Agreements
International Agreements and memoranda of understanding of a non-commercial nature between the State of North Carolina, or any agency of
the State, and a foreign government should be filed with the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State Publications Division. The Publications
Division policy for filing foreign agreements is that one complete copy of the original agreement in English and any other signatory languages
must be filed with the Division within thirty (30) working days after the date of signature.Filings must be mailed to:
Publications Division
N.C. Department of the Secretary of State
P.O. Box 29622
Raleigh, NC 27626-0622
Note that only agencies of the State should file foreign agreements with us. Public educational institutions are not agencies of the
state to the extent that their foreign agreements relate to their educational, research, or extension activities. Affected agencies that have
entered into foreign agreements since July 1, 1999 should file copies of those agreements with us. There is no charge for filing these agreements.
Once agreements are filed with our office, certified copies may be obtained for $10 per certification, plus $0.20 per page and applicable North Carolina sales tax. Uncertified
copies may be obtained at a cost of $0.20 per page, plus applicable North Carolina sales tax.The Publications Division accepts cash, personal checks, business checks and money
orders for payment, but cannot accept credit cards. Do not send cash payments by mail.