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Official website of the State of North Carolina

To View or Check Orders

You may view and download your orders immediately or return another time within thirty (30) days to view, download and save the order – the orders will not be e-mailed to you.

There are two locations on the website to check the status of the documents.

  • Immediately after the transaction is completed. When you get to the ‘Transaction Completed Successfully screen, there are three icons.
    1. Click on the “Check My Orders” icon;
    2. Click on “Entity Invoice Status”;
    3. Click on “Invoice Number,” and
    4. Click on each item # to download the document o print and save.
  • After leaving the transaction webpage and within thirty (30) days of placing the order:
    1. On the Business Registration Division website, click on the tile, “Online Services”.
    2. Then click on “Check My Orders”
    3. Click on “Entity Invoice Status”
    4. Click on “Invoice Number”; and
    5. Click on each item # to download the document to print and save.