Reinstatement and Requalification
Sign Into the Website
- You will need to sign into your website account prior to beginning the online wizard process. If you are not logged in, the first step will take you to the Sign In window.
Search for the Company Name
- You can search for the company profile by clicking “Business Entity Search” within the Quick Links for Business Registration at
Click corresponding green button
On the search results you will find a green button to the right of the company name, the buttons will appear as above
On the search results you will find a green button to the right of the company name, the buttons will appear as above
Online Filing Process
The process will take you page by page through the application and annual report filing processes. At the end of the process you will submit payment for the submission.
The data of record will auto-populate. If you have any questions during the process, call the Business Service Center at 919-814-5400 ext. 3 for assistance.
The process will take you page by page through the application and annual report filing processes. At the end of the process you will submit payment for the submission.
- You may also watch a YouTube Tutorial on How to Submit a Business Reinstatement Online
Fees for Reinstatement (North Carolina Entity)
Application for all entities
- $100
Business Corporation
- Annual Report Paper = $25.00
- Annual Report Online = $18.00
Limited Liability Company/LLP
- Annual Report Paper or Online = $200.00
Fees for Requalification (Out of State Entity)
Application for Certificate of Authority Following Administrative Revocation
- $250
- One annual report with the applicable fee specific to the entity type, if revocation was for delinquent annual reports.
Effective Date of Reinstatement/Requalification
When the reinstatement/requalification is effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the date of the administrative dissolution allowing the entity to carry on business as if the administrative dissolution had never occurred, subject to the rights of any person who reasonably relied to his prejudice upon the certificate of dissolution.
Name Availability
If at the time the entity applies for reinstatement or requalification and the entity’s name is not distinguishable from the name of another entity on the NC Business Registry, then the applicant must change the entity name to a name that is distinguishable upon the record before a certificate of reinstatement or requalification can be issued. If a out of state entity’s home jurisdiction name is not available at the time of reinstatement, the Department of the NC Secretary of State will need to request a resolution from the company officials or board of directors approving of the name to be used in North Carolina.