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Official website of the State of North Carolina

Notary Manual

Notary Divison
A screen shot of the north carolina website
Figure 32. Click Continue button

This takes you to the Commission Expiration Date page.

A screen shot of the north carolina website
Figure 33. Notary Reappointment Steps page

Pursuant to North Carolina Administrative Code section 07B .0201, a person who fails the examination three times must comply with the following: Attend a Notary Public course of instruction, complete a new application and pay another non-refundable $50.00 commissioning fee.

If the applicant were to pass their test, the applicant would select Grade Test on the final question (#20) page.

This takes them to a confirmation of their test completion.

You can search for your notary registration by using the Find a Notary search tool on the Notary main page. See Figure 34.

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