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Official website of the State of North Carolina

Charitable Solicitation Licensing Manual


Answer the Felony Criminal Offenses question: “Within the last five years, has the applicant, or any of the applicant’s directors, officers, employees, agents, or persons with a controlling interest in the applicant: been convicted of any felony?”

Figure 150. Felony criminal offenses question
Figure 150. Felony criminal offenses question

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Answer the Misdemeanor Criminal Offenses question: “Within the last five years, has the applicant, or any of the applicant’s directors, officers, employees, agents, or persons with a controlling interest in the applicant been convicted of any misdemeanor arising from the conduct of a solicitation for any charitable organization or sponsor or charitable or sponsor purpose?”

Figure 151. Misdemeanor criminal offenses question
Figure 151. Misdemeanor criminal offenses question

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