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Official website of the State of North Carolina

Online Resales Manual

Business Registration

    2. A payment of $125.00 made out to “Secretary of State”, and
    3. A self-addressed, self-stamped envelope.

  • Post a certified copy of the filed Notice on your website in a conspicuous place.
  • If your venue is not the primary ticket seller for the event, then you need to be sure that the primary seller also posts a certified copy of the filed notice on its website in a conspicuous place.

Why would I need a certified copy of the filing?

If the venue is to post the notice on their website, the venue will need an image of the filed copy. In addition, should the venue wish to renew the Notice, the document Id# will be printed on the Notice in the upper right hand corner.

When do I have to get the notice?

We can’t tell you when to get the Notice. However, it won’t be effective until it’s been posted on your website for 30 days. So, you may want to plan to file the Notice early rather than late.

Does the notice expire?

Yes, every notice filed expires on December 31st of each year.

Can it be renewed?

Yes, the fee to renew is $25 and is payable to the NC Secretary of State.

Can you reject my Notice of Prohibition?

No, we can’t reject your Notice of Prohibition. However:

  • If you don’t include the fee with the Notice, we will not file the Notice until we do receive the fee.
  • If there are errors on the Notice when we receive it, there are 2 things we can do:

    1. One of our employees may call you if there are errors that can be fixed without your signature; or
    2. We may return the Notice to you so that you can correct the errors. When you’ve fixed the errors, you can resubmit it to us. You do not have to resubmit a new fee. To make sure the fee is connected to the new submission, PLEASE be sure to include the document ID Number on the Notice when you resubmit it.

What happens if my check bounces?

We will contact you to try to get you to make the payment good. If you don’t, we will cancel the filing of the Notice of Prohibition.

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