General Counsel Manual
- After the electors vote, they sign certificates of the vote. The certificates are distributed according to federal law.
You can watch videos of the meetings of the North Carolina Electoral College and view the Governor’s 2016 proclamation and other historical Electoral College documents on the Secretary of State and Electoral College page.
NOTE: This is a summary offered for informational purposes. We do not offer legal advice to citizens.
Boards and Commissions
At the top of the Boards and Commissions page, is a stock photo with the following statement embedded: "Boards, councils and commissions do much of the work of State government. There are many different names for such entities. In this article, they are all lumped together as ‘boards’.”
Boards, councils, and commissions do much of the work of State government. We refer to them here as “boards”. Some boards are created when laws are passed by the General Assembly. Other boards are set up by the Governor and agency heads.